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Shenxiantang Cartilage Essence

Shenxiantang Cartilage Essence

Regular price ¥19,800 JPY
Regular price Sale price ¥19,800 JPY
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Shenxiantang Cartilage Essence

200 entry

Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare Minister Designated Inspection Organization Foundation Japan Food Analysis Center Inspection NO.OS 59081342-001
Confidence guaranteed! !

**By extracting the bone essence from shark cartilage, it is rich in "mucopolysaccharide" and water-soluble polysaccharide components,
Quickly absorbed by the body, enhance joint lubrication and flexibility, strengthen bones, and prevent bone aging.

** Helps supplement joint mucopolysaccharides and calcium, enhance joint lubrication and flexibility, strengthen bones, and prevent bone aging

**Effectively enhance resistance and bone nutrition, and help delay aging.

**Prevention of osteoporosis

*Suitable for anyone, especially those who are concerned about strong bones, joints and muscles.

<How to eat>
Adults take 3-5 capsules per day, and children take half the amount.
Take it on an empty stomach and drink plenty of water for best results.


1) This product is a health food and cannot replace medicine.
2) If you feel any discomfort after taking this product, please stop taking it immediately and consult a doctor.

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